Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

Opening Mean

we overview the opening moves that the experts prefer to play. If you are just starting to play chess and are wondering how to open a game, you can certainly do worse, much worse, than copy the experts for the first few moves.Here are some recommended opening moves to get you started in a game of chess. The key to these recommendations is that you play 1.e4 as White, and symmetrical responses as Black. For each recommendation, we also provide additional resources to explain more in depth about the particular opening

Chess community in Jogja

Hallo semua Chess adalah permainan yang sangat menyenangkan,pertarungan antara 2 orang untuk memenangkan permainan.Chess melatih seseorang untuk memiliki sifat kehati2xan,disiplin,konsistensi dan penuh perhitungan,chess memiliki sejarah sebagai permainan perang namun sekarang bergeser ke permainan logika dan strategi.Chess di Yogyakarta mulai berkembang pesat serta adanya regenerasi yang dimulai dengan adanya chess school,antara lain Garda Bangsa,Benteng Mataram ,SSC dan masih banyak lagi,ok selamat bergabung dan dapatkan info seta artikel menarik di Chess Jogja salam,moderator