Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008


History of Chess

The origins of chess are not exactly clear, though most believe it evolved from earlier chess-like games played in India almost two thousand years ago. The game of chess we know today has been around since the 15th century where it became popular in Europe.

The Goal of Chess

Chess is a game played between two opponents on opposite sides of a board containing 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16 pieces: 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 8 pawns. The goal of the game is to checkmate the other king. Checkmate happens when the king is in a position to be captured (in check) and cannot escape from capture.

Starting a Game

At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right-hand side. The chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time. The second row (or rank) is filled with pawns. The rooks go in the corners, then the knights next to them, followed by the bishops, and finally the queen, who always goes on her own matching color (white queen on white, black queen on black), and the king on the remaining square.

The player with the white pieces always moves first. Therefore, players generally decide who will get to be white by chance or luck such as flipping a coin or having one player guess the color of the hidden pawn in the other player's hand. White then makes a move, followed by black, then white again, then black and so on until the end of the game.

Catur adalah olahraga yang paling:

1. Cepat : karena Pemain mampu mengelilingi arena pertandingan dalam waktu 3 detik

2. Kuat :karena pemain Mampu mengangkat kuda,gajah,bahkan Benteng dengan sebelah tangan

3.Mengerikan :kadang pemain memakan binatang hidup2x (kuda ,gajah) bahkan manusiapun dimakan (Mentri),dan dapat mengakibatkan kematian (skak mat)

4.Keras: karena terjadi saling pukul dengan senjata garpu,sinar laser,dll

5.Murah: karena hanya dengan 25 ribu sudah cukup untuk membeli lapangan berikut propertinya

6.Lama :karena dapat diselesaikan hingga berhari-hari,bahkan berbulan2x

7.Memusingkan: karena harus duduk diam dan berpikir terus menerus

8.Menyeluruh: karena pemain berasal dari semua kalangan,strata,golongan,tanpa perbedaan

9.Mendunia :Karena dapat dipahami ribuan bahkan jutaan bangsa dengan bahasa yang berbeda

10.Aman:karena walaupun terjadi perang besar tetapi tidak akan terjadi cedera pada pemain dan supporter........

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

Sekolah Catur Sembada / Sembada Chess School

Sekolah Catur Sembada merupakan sekolah catur yang mengedepankan keseimbangan antara pendidikan,pelatihan dan pengajaran.
SCS tidak hanya menghasilkan siswa yang berprestasi tetapi juga menyeimbangkan kemampuan aklaq, ilmu dan ipteknya. Menggunakan metode tersistematis dan berkurikulum, ditambahkan kemampuan praktek,sehingga membentuk pemain yang siap secara teori dan mental.
SCS dalam sistem pembelajaran dibagi dalam paket pembelajaran agar mudah dipahami.
Secara keseluruhan dibagi atas:
Level I.Kelas belajar Catur (Beginner)
Level II.Kelas Intermediate tingkat I
Level III. Kelas Intermediate tingkat II
Level IV.Kelas Advance tingkat I
Level V. Kelas Advance tingkat II 

dengan 2 kali pertemuan dalam 1 minggu.


SCS terbuka secara umum,dalam semua golongan, tanpa batasan usia dan pendidikan,tdk melihat dari kemampuan dalam menyerap pelajaran catur dan permainannya,yang penting memiliki niat untuk belajar catur dan mengasah otak dan kemampuan

Informasi pembiayaan dan lainnya dapat menghubungi sekretariat: JL.Cendrawasih 190 Manukan CC Depok Sleman, atau melalui komentar pada blog ini

Bernas Anak,Minggu Kliwon 19 Okt 2008, hal .10

Majalah Mekar,edisi 10/September/2008

Kamis, 11 September 2008

Ramayana Chess Set

Hand Made with the art of Bali creation
Ramayana Chess set made of wood with the art of hand made, this chess sheet is very unique, because each make a kind of Ramayana's history .
This sheet is include the box with full of Bali relief. Do you want....? price $50 (exclu shipp) contact us with click comment... 

Selasa, 09 September 2008

Chess.com Indonesia Data Base

Chess.com is International chess community,you can play,share,and learn there. There are many countries, include Indonesia. Indonesian people account 1419 persons ,25 rank country of 264081 countries. Grow up every day. Mr Jabrig is the top of level with 2300 elo rating. If you want to play lets go there..we always wait for you. www.chess.com (klik and make fun......;-)

Kamis, 04 September 2008

Chess Card

Chess card is one of many tools can be used to learn chess,many of series can be found but the first we prepare 54 hot games.
This card include the key to solve the games,you can get it only $5,but in this month we share with 40% off.......
you can pay with $3 and get the chess card (exclu shipping) 
information order klik the comment

Selasa, 02 September 2008


Chess team from Jogja

With GM Utut Adianto

The first time Diana go to Champ in jakarta,and meet GM Utut Adianto.

Mr Utut is the best chess player in Indonesia,he has a chess School in Jakarta and around.

Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

Little Sweet General

Hello,my name is Diana ,I'm 11 year's old,I 'd like Chess verry much.
The first time going tournament in Diknas provinsi DIY,kapas street.I had 8 th rank,but it was the power to learn more hard.
Now I have many trophy and medals,I 'm glad and thankfull to my teachers,Mr Totok,Mr Bambang,Mr Ridwan,Mr Heru,Mr Arko,Mr Doni,Mr Ari,ect.Specially thanks to my uncle Bina.
Thanks God that give more talent to the chess game,I have improve my talent more and more,many of my friends have been a good player,but it's my chalange to do the best .
In this blog,I will give more information about chess in jogja,ok thank's ,Diana

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

Karpov-Kasparov World Championship 1985 (Game 2)

In the first game of the 1985 World Championship match, Garry Kasparov won with the White pieces and leads 1-0 after 1 game. Can his rival, the reigning World Champion Anatoly Karpov come back in the second game, and level the score? Or can Kasparov take an immediate 2-0 lead? This game was highly anticipated and both Karpov and Kasparov were confident. As usual, the colors were alternated, and Karpov was playing White.

This game was a great game. Kasparov gained a tempo in the opening and he was better at the start of the middlegame but Karpv exchanged his passive rook for both of Kasparov's bishops, which were active to take the edge. Both players created a passed pawn, and Kasparov's move Qd2 gave the edge back to him. The queens were exchanged soon after, and Kasparov created a second passed pawn on the a-file. The e-pawn soon fell, also leading to the exchange of rooks. Then the battle was over the a-pawn, which Karpov took. Kasparov was able to take a kingside pawn, and create a passed pawn there but by then, the position was simplified enough fro Karpov to draw

Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

Opening Mean

we overview the opening moves that the experts prefer to play. If you are just starting to play chess and are wondering how to open a game, you can certainly do worse, much worse, than copy the experts for the first few moves.Here are some recommended opening moves to get you started in a game of chess. The key to these recommendations is that you play 1.e4 as White, and symmetrical responses as Black. For each recommendation, we also provide additional resources to explain more in depth about the particular opening

Chess community in Jogja

Hallo semua Chess adalah permainan yang sangat menyenangkan,pertarungan antara 2 orang untuk memenangkan permainan.Chess melatih seseorang untuk memiliki sifat kehati2xan,disiplin,konsistensi dan penuh perhitungan,chess memiliki sejarah sebagai permainan perang namun sekarang bergeser ke permainan logika dan strategi.Chess di Yogyakarta mulai berkembang pesat serta adanya regenerasi yang dimulai dengan adanya chess school,antara lain Garda Bangsa,Benteng Mataram ,SSC dan masih banyak lagi,ok selamat bergabung dan dapatkan info seta artikel menarik di Chess Jogja salam,moderator